Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Computations
Fall 2019
Donald Dabdub
Engineering Gateway 4226
Office Hours: Tuesday 3:20pm to 4:20pm & Thursday 3:30pm to 4:30pm
TA: Anqi Dong
Location: Calit2 Building, 3rd Floor
Office Hours: Wednesdays at 03:30 pm to 05:30 pm
Discussion Session: Tuesdays 01:00 pm to 01:50 pm
TA: Michela Vicariotto
Location: ICS 213
Office Hours: Fridays at 12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Discussion Session: Fridays 8:00 am to 8:50 am and 9:00 am to 9:50 am
TA: Mahmoud Abdelgalil
Location: NFCRC Building, Room 134B (The room next to the windtunnel)
Office Hours: Mondays at 01:00pm to 03:00pm
Discussion Session: Tuesdays 12:00 pm to 12:50 pm and Mondays 03:00 pm to 03:50 pm
Alisa Atkins
Engineering Gateway 4226
Discussion Session: Monday 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm
Office Hours: TBD
Chessah Fox
Discussion Session: Tuesdays 12:00 pm to 12:50 pm and 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm
Office Hours: TBD
Jonathan Palafoutas
Discussion Session: Fridays 8:00 am to 8:50 am and 9:00 am to 9:50 am
Office Hours: TBD
Patrick Youssef
Engineering Gateway 4226
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am to 11:59 am
Required Textbook:
Author: Holly Moore
Title: MATLAB for Engineers (5th Edition)
Publisher: Pearson
Required Software:
MALTAB R2016b or newer. MATLAB is available for FREE to UCI students to install on personally-owned laptops. Please see this page for step by step instructions on how to install MATLAB on your personal computer. Optionally, you may also use MATLAB in any of the on-campus computer labs that are available for drop-in use.
Homework: 10 %Integrity Statement:
It is expected that all material you prepare for this course MUST be original. While it is expected that you will consult references in preparing the material for the class, you may not turn in material prepared by someone else as original material in fulfillment of the assignments and exams for MAE10. Any evidence of this will be considered a possible violation of academic integrity and be reported as such to the office of undergraduate affairs.Main Goal:
The main goal of the course is to develop computational programming skills and learn computational tools to be used in the solution of engineering problems.
Parts of this course are subject to change in order to meet the needs of the students currently enrolled.